Thursday, March 15, 2012

Flying Dog Beers

We really are in the middle of a love affair with American beers in Ireland at the moment.  There are so many micro-breweries producing a wonderful array of beer styles, that the curious beer drinker would be lost for choice.

One brewery that is new to Molloys is the Flying Dog Brewery.

Flying Dog Brewery is a beer brewery now located in Frederick, Maryland, United States. Originally opening in Aspen, Colorado in 1990 as a brewpub, it became the first brewery to open in Aspen in over 100 years, and one of the first brewpubs in the Rocky Mountain region. In 1991, Flying Dog’s “Doggie Style” was bottled and won the “The Best Pale Ale in America” award at the Great American Beer Festival.

Flying Dog Brewery is noted for using the unusual art of Ralph Steadman, best known as the illustrator of the works of Hunter S. Thompson, on its labels. 

Doggie Style Classic Pale Ale 5.5% 355ml btl €3.29

APPEARANCE: This beer produced a foamy 1/2" off-white head that dissipated quickly leaving good head lacing. Carbonation was soft in a hazy amber body.

AROMA: Light grainy malts with some caramel and moderate piney hops.

TASTE: Taste followed aroma mostly: light malts, a very light touch of honey and moderately piny hops.

MOUTHFEEL: This beer had a medium body with a smooth texture, soft carbonation and good body lacing that dissipated quickly. The initial flavor was moderately bitter with a slightly less bitter finish that lasted for a long time.

DRINKABILITY: This is a balanced, moderately hopped session ale. Easy to drink, repeatable and well priced, it is definitely worth having again and I'd serve it to others with no qualms. Though there are better examples of the APA style, this is a good, solid APA.

Raging Bitch Belgian Style IPA 8.3% 355ml €3.79

Appearance: Light copper color that is extremely clear. Lots of bubbles. Resilient, lofty thick, vanilla/cream head. Little-to-no lacing.

Aroma: Orange peel with a slight sweetness. 

Taste: Very smooth and dry with orange peel/citrus emphasis. Medium hoppiness that does not overstay its welcome.

Mouthfeel: Lighter, medium-thin body with perfect carbonation. 

O: An absolutely beautiful beer that is excellently drinkable. The body is thin enough to go down easy, but a wonderful dry and short lived hop taste keeps you tasting all the way down.

Snake Dog IPA  7.1% €3.79

Appearance: Pours a clear amber with a sticky, off-white head.

Aroma: Very hoppy. Website advertises Warrior and Columbus hops and they are very apparent in the nose.

Taste: A bigger IPA at 7.1% ABV and decent flavor. Not as bitter as the smell or label would have you believe, but still very good tasting. Malt and bitterness balance out well. Some caramel notes and slight pine flavor.

Mouthfeel: Very full mouthfeel, consistent with other FD beers. Hint of alcohol in the exhale.

Overall: Not the a bad IPA. 

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